Sunday, December 11, 2011

As the Solstice approachs~

I am preparing for a time, but of what..?  I find that I am a little anxious or excited, but not sure of what.  Feeling that I am on the forefront of a change and that can be unsettling for me and yet I wonder what is coming next?  Life is oh so interesting and if I keep myself planted where my feet are and walk the path that is laid out for me I find that it is indeed my Labyrinth of Life.  Winter is a place of contentment for me once we get past all the holiday hoopla.  Having a birthday in January gives me the opportunity to start my new year out fresh and I can celebrate my life as the New Year starts!!  Where will I go this year?  What new challenge awaits me and how will it affect and effect my life?  The not knowing is both the gift and the angst...
I am living what I Love and loving what I Live!